Technology cool card teaser, Shihlin's coming-of-age ceremony plays AR

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Accompanying children to become adults, the Shihlin coming-of-age ceremony event was held on the morning of April 22 at Cishi Palace, a historic site in the city. Zhang Xinyi shared that she usually does not have the opportunity to come into contact with traditional ceremonies. She was very lucky to experience the coming-of-age ceremony scene that she had only seen on TV. She especially liked the scene of wearing a hat and serving tea. She also felt full of surprises when she received the AR card.

In the Shilin coming-of-age ceremony ceremony, Hong Jinda, the mayor of Shilin District, hangs a safe talisman for the rites to show his blessings, and then offers tea and other ancient rites of thanksgiving. Bless, and finally share it through AR technology, and convey the relationship between Li Sheng and his parents.

Hong Jinda said that he chose the Charity Palace this year because he thought that Mazu had a lot of protection for the residents. This coming-of-age ceremony is combined with AR virtual reality, hoping to integrate tradition and innovation, and because the AR virtual reality card can be kept, waiting for the child to leave the society. Or when you go abroad to work hard, you can take it out for aftertaste at any time, and feel the warm interaction with your parents.

The coming-of-age ceremony event is also the first time to cooperate with teachers and students of Ming Chuan University to design AR cool cards. Qiu Yuzi, an adjunct lecturer at the School of Communication of Ming Chuan University, said that AR and VR are widely used in daily life. It is hoped that through design, people can understand technology better and turn the past into adulthood. The gift is very traditional. Scan the QR Code on your mobile phone to get an exclusive AR card. The image on the top is like a Shihlin sausage. The content of the card is also exclusive and customized, and each one is unique.

Ming Chuan junior student Zhang Xinyi who participated in the event shared that she usually does not have the opportunity to come into contact with traditional ceremonies, but she was lucky enough to be able to participate. After experiencing the scene that she had only seen on TV, she realized that it is true to wear a hat and serve tea. She likes the shape of the hat. Tea time is also very touching. She also said that Asians are more restrained in their feelings and dare not speak directly. They can be put on the AR card. The effect after scanning is full of surprises.

(Reposted from China Times News Network
